Geek Girl Talk: First Vlog Episode
We talk about games, movies, shows, fandoms, zombies, and unbox some fun geeky products. Thanks to Ariyanna Moon for joining Southern...
221b Con Review
One of the first things you may notice about the 221b con is its diversity. Because 221b is a convention for all lovers of Sherlock. It...
Cosplay Interview: Lula Cosplay
After the success of Beauty and the Beast and seeing all the amazing costumes at WonderCon, we needed to talk to some more cosplayers. ...
Ghost in the Shell Review
Ghost in the Shell is a decent movie. It is an origin story of the character Major played by Scarlett Johansson. Essentially it is...
Game Review: Super Mustache
Developed by Redro games and Published by Back to Basics Gaming Super Mustache is a 32 bit adventure game much in the style of the...
Are Joss Whedon Shows Leaving Netflix?
Dollhouse, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly are all scheduled to be removed on April 1st. Netflix has listed these key shows...
Podcast Review: Learn While You Drive
AKA: How to have fun and learn something new on your drive home. Maybe you're not the biggest history nerd (or maybe you are), but if...
Atlanta Sci-Fi and Fantasy Expo
As I walked into the building to attend the Sci-Fi and Fantasy Expo, I was not sure what to expect. I had never been to an Expo in a...