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Are Joss Whedon Shows Leaving Netflix?

Dollhouse, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly are all scheduled to be removed on April 1st. Netflix has listed these key shows on the April cut list. We hope that it is just an April fools joke. Just in case, we suggest having a Whedonverse marathon this weekend. You may be asking, What's the Whedonverse? It's everything created by the beloved Joss Whedon.

In the event that you aren't familiar with the greatness of Joss Whedon, let's break it down. Joss Whedon is an American screenwriter, film and television director, film and television producer, comic book author, composer, and all around NERD KING. He makes the best stuff and says the best things and he is just the best. Maybe I am a huge fangirl.....actually I am a huge fangirl. Let's look at some awesome Joss Whedon quotes to set the mood for our Buffy/Angel/Dollhouse/Firefly marathon that we are all going to be having. Seriously. Let's do this.


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