Raising A Geeky Kid
My husband and I embrace our geekiness and it really is one of the main things that brought us together as a couple. So, when we found...
Random Fandom: 5 Fandoms You May Not Recognize
5 Fandoms You May Not Recognise Star Wars vs. Star Trek, Serenity Browncoats, & Marvel's Avengers are nothing new in the wide world
Kids and Conventions
My husband and I attend multiple geeky conventions a year, so the question is always: do we bring our 6 year-old son or not? I thought it...
5 Female Heroes in Computer Science
Despite science being a man’s world during their lifetimes, there are several key women who helped create and develop technology that...
Naming Baby Geeks
I’m THAT parent. You know the one. The one who named her kid after fictional characters from her favorite fandoms? Yeahhh. Guilty as...