Southern Fried Geek Girls
Write for Southern Fried Geek Girls
Are you super passionate about a fandom? We’d love for you to write for Southern Fried Geek Girls and share your geeky passion with others.
What We Are Looking For
Look around the site and you’ll see the variety of subjects we cover. Whether it’s television, movies, books, sci-fi, parenting, games, or just geek culture, we want to hear from you. If you can’t get a good idea from the material we’ve already published, here are some examples of things we’re looking for:
Review of a new movie, TV show, game, or podcast
Fun explanation of an obscure fandom
Convention reviews and experiences
DIY projects – show us your latest geeky creation!
Parameters and Conditions
This makes sure everyone has the same expectations and positive experience.
You will be given credit for your work. End your post with a one sentence bio about yourself and a link to your site/social media profile/etc.
We may edit your article. Usually for layout, length, or by adding links. There is always the chance that we may make small changes to your article before publishing it.
Not all articles will be accepted. We appreciate all submissions and would love to use them all, but we can’t guarantee to do so. Submissions will be selected on the basis of what we feel would be most beneficial to our readers at the time, and on quality of writing. If you are not sure whether a submission would be accepted, please feel free to contact us and discuss your idea.
Submitting Your Article
When you have an article to submit, simply get in touch using the contact form, and we will reply back as soon as possible.
We are really excited that you are considering writing an article for Southern Fried Geek Girls, and look forward to reading what you have to say!