Game Review: Super Mustache

Super Mustache is a 32 bit adventure game much in the style of the classic Mario Bros series. When I say in the style of, I do mean the hero is mustachioed man who must navigate mazes, collect coins, and hit blocks with his head. Our hero Captain Super Mustache is on a mission to reclaim Uranus for Earth from a rogue smart robot named Gladius. The levels are intricately designed and require precision timing, which makes for a nice challenge in this familiar style.
The game begs for play with a controller ( rather than keyboard) and the configuration is customizable. The art style is adorable and the soundtrack is catchy but most of the sound effects sound like they are ripped straight from Super Mario Bros. With only 16 levels and the price of only a dollar on Steam or free on the Google play store, Super Mustache is good for an evening of nostalgia and retro gaming.