With the cultural climate being what it is in so many aspects of life, we at Southern Fried Geek Girls felt it necessary to make clear where we stand on the matter of inclusivity. At SFGG, we celebrate all genders and gender expressions, all identities, all races, classes, creeds and orientations. We aim to celebrate all walks of life. Anyone who loves our site and what we cover, do, and create is more than welcome to be part of the Southern Fried Geek Girl family. That being said, there are so many forums, blogs, and other places for cis-male voices to be heard. That’s awesome! Those voices are important, too! This blog was created so people who don’t identify as cis-male can have a forum to be heard. We hope you love our content and continue to celebrate diversity and inclusivity throughout the expanses of geek culture. Thanks for reading and for all you do to make our community amazingly geeky!