Artist Interview: Eclectic Katie
A few weeks ago, I met a fun and interesting artist. She has a muse unlike any other, and a fantastic eye for color. I had to talk to her so I could share her artwork with y'all.

How did you get started in art?
I've been drawing and creating things as far back as I can remember. I was always encouraged by my family to pursue art as well.
What is your favorite type of art to do? And how would you describe your process on how you decide what to create?
Watercolor would have to be my favorite. My process always starts with an idea. Sometimes it's random or influenced by something I watched or remembered or an old sketch. Sometimes I go straight to the paint, but I usually sketch it out and may do revisions. During the painting process my idea always changes. I may decide that something needs more color, or to do something a different way.

What is your favorite art piece(s) that you have done and why?
My homage to Leeloo Dallas and "The Fifth Element." I took the scene where she jumps off the building and made it look like she is jumping into space. It's one of my favorite movies and I love painting space. In space scenes I can be abstract and use every color in the palette.

What is your favorite experience that has come out of doing/showing/selling your art so far?
Creating art is a release for me. Sometimes if I am stressed or sad, I can just doodle or start gluing things together. All the energy I was using to be stressed is now focused on the creative process. And I almost always create pieces on subjects that I like, so when people enjoy my work or buy a print I know that someone else has benefited from my artwork too.

What are some other hobbies or things you enjoy doing other than art?
I love to read, go thrifting, and have long conversations with my cat. I am currently attempting to garden.
Are there any geeky fandoms that you love/are into?
Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter, X-Files, Doctor Who, Sailor Moon, Deadpool, and Gwenpool. I know I'm missing some.

What is something you enjoy about living in the South?
I love that it stays warm most of the year and that sweet tea exist.
What is something you would like our readers to know about you?
I am young at heart. I still love toys and cartoons, I get excited about Mr. Sketch markers, and I just like to be happy and have fun.

*Wonder Woman drawing by Rick Johnson. Colored by Katie.
What is the best way for people to access/see your artwork? And do you do custom orders?
They can visit my Facebook page and/or follow me on Instagram @eclectickatie13. I can do custom orders, just send me a message on my Facebook page.